

今日の駅での出来事/At the station today..

① 友達とお茶しに駅へ。回数券が切れてたから買おうと思ったら自販機でお札が使えない。故障中。窓口に行ったら、「そうなの、使えないの〜(笑顔)。」以上。。対応は特に何もなし。硬貨で一回券買いました。。オッケー、と言って特に何も感じなかったけど、切符買う時、(くぅっ、何かもったいない。。)と。。だって回数券だと一枚1.25ユーロ、一回券は1.7ユーロ。。

② 到着駅で回数券を買っておこうと並んでたら、観光客かな?買うのに戸惑ってる模様。時間かかる上に隣りの自販機のおじさんと観光客を手伝ってた駅員が大げんかし始めて、ますます列は進まず。。諦めた。。気が強いと聞いていたフランス女性の顔を初めて見たかも。。

③ 駅の出口出たら駅間違ってた。。


① I was going to take the train to go meet my friend. The ticket machine couldn't use bills so I went to the guichet. 'Yep, it's not available : )' with a smile was the answer I got and nothing more. Not unusual.. I bought the one time ticket but I felt like wasting money.. cause it's 1.7euro for one time and 1.25 for carnet!

② I wanted to buy carnet at the station I arrived and was on the line. But I think it was a tourist so they were taking time to buy it and then the female staff helping the tourist started arguing with the guy on the vending machine next to it. The line was even slower... I gave up buying carnet.. I think it was my first time to see French women's face which I've been hearing that they are very strong when they argue..

③ I got out the station and realized I'm at the wrong station..

I guess I will learn with little things like this every day ; )

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