

パリで見るロンドンオリンピック/Watching London Olympic from Paris





London olympic started! We only have 1 hour time difference so I can see a lot : ) In France, they use channel 2 or 3 for olympic air. I realized that the sports that each country is good at differs, so the ones on TV really differs from Japan. Hubby told me France is strong with fencing, swimming, judo and keirin. Though somehow they couldn't take any medal in fencing this olympic...

Japan is pretty good on swimming and judo so I thought I can see Japan athletes though it shows French people mainly so can't see too much.. but I think I practiced cheering France a lot : )

There weren't much France vs Japan but women soccer is nadeshiko Japan vs France! I wonder how our family cheering is going to be..

France is strong in canoe my hubby says. I didn't even know they had this..


第2回予防接種/Vaccination 2nd time




We did second time vaccination at the same time as 3 months check up. Five vaccination shot was diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, influenza B,

I wasn't told to be ready to breast feed this time. After she was stung, she looked like she can start crying but she didn't. Good girl!

Next check-up will be after I come back from Japan : )


パリのイスラム教寺院でお茶/Tea at Paris Mosque


You can have tea or meal at Paris mosque. It's right next to the zoo so decided to stop by. It was quite crowded so didn't have tea today but was a cute place : )

Small shop in the back. Bebe tried to get the lamp!?

パリの動物園へ/Zoo in Paris

今日はパリの中にある動物園へ。「Le Jardin des Plantes」という所で、植物園に併設されています。1795年に作られ、世界で最も古い動物園の一つとか。蛇が入ってるケージとか周りが木で出来ていて、壊れそうでドキドキしました・・。


We went to a zoo in Paris. It's called 「Le Jardin des Plantes」and they also have botanical garden. It was built in 1795 and one of the oldest zoo in the world. Cage of the snakes looked old which scares me!

First time to see all these animals for bebe. Not sure how much she enjoyed but me and hubby were able to enjoy : )

Like safari park!?

Went to botanical garden too. A cave!?

Stub that became beautiful fossil.


ベビザラスへ!/To BabiesRus!



We wanted to get a toy with sound and something that moves automatically for bebe and also a pool so we went to BabiesRus. So many toys! Exciting : D I couldn't stop looking at everything. Where as my hubby really doesn't like shopping and usually he shuts his mouth and just want to get out of the shop. I always really feel he wants to get out... Though today, I think he really tried to be patient! Thank you ; )

We found the same pool at Auchan which is a big super market in the same shopping mall, 10 euros cheaper. I couldn't convince myself so asked hubby to go return it to BabiesRus... He even did that... Thank you so much!!

Girl's section which was pink pink!! Bebe's pink too!

Hubby's trying so hard to be patient!

Very interested in the new toy! Thank you hubby!






In France, there is a training to recover muscles that loosened after giving birth. It's covered by social insurance. It's one of kinesitherapy. I got prescription for 10times so decided to take it.

First time is explanation. Training from second time. It's a training using electricity. I feel this is quite specific to France.. I'll talk the content to people I can talk directly.. Seems like training method will change every time so will upload gradually.

I heard from a friend who took after birth kinesitherapy in Belgium and was completely different so probably it's different by country.

Bebe is coming with me waiting for me on the mattress. Very quiet and good girl : D


ベベパスポート写真/Bebe Passport Photo



We went to take photo for bebe's passport. It  was a photo shop close to the town hall where we apply for the passport so the photographer was very experienced on taking baby passport photo.

We make bebe sit on the chair and hold her. Then the photographer takes the photo using toys with sounds, move his hands and making noise! It was very funny : ) Bebe got good surprising face photo = )


リュクサンブール公園の有料遊び場/Paid Playground in Jardin du Luxembourg



We went to Jardin du Luxembourg after lunch. My friend heard there is paid playground inside. Our bebe still can't play but good to see! It's big and many play equipments! Several times more than the photo.

Interesting thing is that kids charge are more expensive than adults. In a way, it makes sense since kids are the ones using it. Though isn't there an option of adults not paying!? Just a thought..

Below is part of the garden other than paid playground.

Restaurant: 「Nanashi」

近所の日本人友達とランチへ☆高級ベビー服のBon Pointの下にあるというカフェに行くつもりが、いつの間にか違うお店になってました。それが「Nanashi」。どうやらパリに3店舗あり、最近オープンした模様。

Went for lunch with my Japanese friend who lives close by. We were planning to go to a cafe under Bon Point (baby clothes shop) but the cafe changed to a restaurant called 「Nanashi」. Seems like there are 3 restaurants in Paris and this opened recently.

テラス席があって気持ちよかった☆お子様弁当「menu enfant」があったので友達が2歳のお嬢ちゃんに頼んでみたらこれがかわいい!たこさんウィンナーにウサギさんのリンゴ、そう、日本人女性の方がシェフみたいです。

They had terrace seat which was great. My friend's 2 years old daughter ordered 'kid's menu(bento)' which was so cute! Sausage cut as octopus and apple cut as rabbit is so Japanese! Seems like the chef is  Japanese women for this restaurant : )


My friend ordered salmon chirashi and I ordered bream chirashi. Bream was cut pretty thick. Sesami sauce was good : )


They had baby changing table in the toilet which was very nice for me = ) Terrace seat was great till the sun was hitting us. Found a good place!


最後の移民局コース(たぶん)/Last OFII Course (Probably)


今日の講習は「Formation Civique」というフランスの地理や歴史、社会制度などについて。今日は日本語で受講出来る、というものだったのですが、日本語で講習が進むのではなく、フランス語でやってる講習に同時通訳が付く、というものでした。これが・・・通訳になってない・・・。あまりのひどさにフランス語で進めていた講師の女性が途中で講義を止めて本部に連絡したり通訳会社に苦情を入れるくらい。。ただ通訳が無理だからって集まった10人を超える日本人をどうするの??という疑問ももちろんあり、結局そのまま進むことに。終わりにテストなどがなくて良かった・・(ーー)


I went to 1 day OFII course today. They sent me invitation automatically after I skipped the one I reserved in January. It was from 9am-17pm. Longest time I've been away from my bebe ; 0 Though my parents in law were sending me photos so I was enjoying that during the course ; D

Course today was 'Formation Civique', learning about geography, history and social system of France. I was invited to Japanese day but the way they do it is to have a simultaneous translation while the course is running in French. Though, to be honest, the translator couldn't translate much, rather anything.. The instructor could notice she stopped the course and called the translation company and OFII HQ.. Though they couldn't do anything about it and moreover, what are they going to do with all the Japanese people who came today if they didn't have alternative..? so they continued...

The translator asked the instructor if she can speak slower but she said there is no time and she is already speaking slow. Though we had 30mins break each in the morning and in the afternoon and 1 hour and 40mins lunch time and the course finished at 16pm while it was supposed to finish at 17pm. Funny ; ) I was happy since I could meet my bebe sooner!

Bebe who spent her day at the beautiful garden of my parents in law was sleeping so peacefully when I came back : ) She was still cute after 9hours!


ツール・ド・フランス/Le Tour de France



Le Tour de France. Very famous bicycle race in France running for about 3weeks. I think I heard of it before.. I wasn't very interested so didn't watch most of it but on the last day, I happened to see it on TV.

Hubby told me that on the last day, athletes are relaxed until the last 40km or so. They ride drinking champagne! Nice!! Maybe I'll try to watch more next year..


Restaurant: 「La Coupole」

日本で生肉がなかなか食べられないのでタルタルステーキを食べたい!という要望に応えて今日はお友達と「La Coupole」というお店へ。タルタルが有名なわけではないと思うけど、確実にあるお店に行きました。中に入って驚いたのは、とにかく広い!外観からは想像出来ない広さ!広いこともあり、べべ連れでもかなり目立ちませんでした。

I went to a restaurant called 「La Coupole」with my friend from Japan. She wanted to eat tartar steak since Japan is becoming difficult to eat raw meat. I don't think this place is famous for tartar but went here since they had the dish. First thing that surprises you is how big the restaurant is! It was amazing : 0 Since it was big, I felt pretty comfortable even with bebe.



Seems like this restaurant is very famous for it's painting from painters of 1920s or so. The place was full even it's really big and I think one of the reason is their performance too. Somehow Indian people are serving curry and for birthday people, they hit the floor very loud and staffs carry the huge cake singing!

Hubby came to pick up bebe during dinner so we enjoyed with just two of us at a later time. I took taxi back home since it was pretty late. Actually, this was the first time I caught a taxi by myself. Really?? I guess this is another step for me.. ; )


Restaurant: 「Les Temps des Cerises」


またまたベベがいる私達を考慮してButte aux cailleエリアのお店にしてくれました。「Les Temps des Cerises」というさくらんぼの時間という名前のお店。共産主義の活動家の方が運営しているらしいです。ある意味興味深い。19時に行った時はまだ空いてましたが、30分くらいでお店はいっぱいになってました。予約は受け付けてないので早めに行くのが良いみたい。ご飯は普通に美味しかったです(^^)

A friend from language school is going back to Slovakia and we got together on the day before he's leaving. He always organized the get together so we will miss him! Though I should be happy to have a another friend in the world ; )

They chose a restaurant close to our place since we have our bebe. Thank you!  Restaurant called「Les Temps des Cerises」meaning 'time of the cherry'. I heard that communist activist is running the place. Interesting. It was quite empty around 19pm but became full within 30mins. They don't accept reservation so better to go early. Food was good : )


パリで鉄火巻き/Tekkamaki in Paris



I went to eat Japanese food with my friend who came from Burkina Faso. People from other country than Japan like to go to Japanese food place in Paris. She looked happy eating tekkamaki even took pictures : ))

Recently, many friends tell me how I'm lucky to be able to live in Paris. It makes my feeling more and more positive which is a great thing. I know it's taking time but I think it's really good direction I'm facing. Thank you everybody!!


日本製寝袋/Made in Japan Sleeping Bag


日本の物が素晴らしいといつもうるさい私に、今回も旦那さまは「さすがMade in Japanだね〜」と言いながら、夏でもブランケットかけるの?という目で見てました(笑)。汗で冷えないように有効なのよ〜!とはいえかけても2秒でブランケットを蹴り落とすことの多いベベです(^^ゞ。でも今年のパリの夏は寒いので7月も半ばなのに寝袋大活躍!

I got a gift from Japan. A sleeping bag and blanket made by six layers of differently folded gauze. In summer, it sucks the sweat and in winter, it's warm. It's open at the bottom so can be used till 3 years old : D

I always say how good made in Japan is and my hubby was saying again today, 'another great made in Japan' though thinking it's strange to put a blanket in summer. It's good cause it takes sweat! Well, it's true that bebe kicks the blanket off in 2 seconds quite a lot.. Though Paris summer this year is very cold so sleeping bag was still useful even mid July!!


Restaurant: 「Cafe Louise」

ロンドンから来てくれていたお友達と夜ご飯を食べた「Cafe Louise」。ここは結婚パーティーの夜の部でもお世話になったのですが、席も比較的広く取ってあるので(パリは狭いところが多い!)、2歳弱の男の子がいるファミリーと一緒に行きました。



I went to 「Cafe Louise」with my friend who has 1.5years old boy. This restaurant was the place we used for our wedding party at night and the seats are quite spacious here so we came with the family. (Paris restaurants seats are quite close!)

Surprisingly they had baby bed and child seat! We didn't use the baby bed but is really nice for family with kids.

I had tartar steak which I couldn't eat during pregnancy. In Japan they are prohibiting raw meat a lot recently so my friend said she wants tartar too : D


結婚式の翌日は・・/The Next Day of the Wedding




Many people does brunch on the next day of the wedding. For us, we invited my friends who came over to Paris to attend the wedding. Though there were still over 20 people in total and my parents in law arranged a beautiful brunch for us ; )) I really appreciate how much they do for their daughter in law ; ))

People who were out late last night seemed to be enjoying the relaxing time at the garden. Kids enjoyed playing soccer = )

Some friends head the airport from here. It was such a precious time for me to be able to spend with my friends who came all the way to Paris. Can't thank enough to people who came. Thank you so much!!

Host of this great brunch!


パリで2回目の結婚式/2nd Wedding in Paris



Things were arranged till last minute but the day came! Our wedding in Paris : ) Our bebe was such an angel! With our angel and lots of help from my family in law, we really had a great day : )

It was said to be raining but luckily it became a great weather and we were able to enjoy the cocktail on the roof of the boat. All of the speeches we got were really great too ; ) Thank you everybody!!

Between the party, taking care of bebe's diaper and food were some things different than usual but still great : D 
Usually people dance at western parties but this time we added karaoke too! French people sings quite a lot too!

I went bak to the hotel around 1am. Although they say the party finished earlier than usual, it went on till 3am. 
I enjoyed wedding twice in my life and I was able to enjoy the second with our bebe and I think I was the happiest bride ; )) Thank you so much to my hubby who worked a lot for this : ))

Bebe must be tired after all the events! Good girl ; )


初めて買ったべべのお洋服/First Clothes for Bebe



We really didn't need to buy clothes for our bebe since we borrowed from our friends or our family and friends gave us clothes. Though they had sales at the outlet I went with my family from Japan and it was quite cheap so decided to buy first clothes from us : )

Bon Point is an expensive kids clothes shop in France. I got 6 months clothes so it's going to be little later for her to wear it but can't wait!


何故かユニクロへ/Why to Uniqlo?


Friend who arrived today from Japan said she wants to go to Uniqlo. Why?? Japan is the main shop.. She wanted to check it out for her work : ) Another friend visiting from Burkina Faso was buying clothes : )

移動遊園地/Traveling Amusement Park



Friends started arriving to attend our wedding in Paris! I'm really happy I can meet my friends ; )

I went to the traveling amusement park with the family that arrived today. The 4 years old boy was really excited : D I went on merry-go-round with bebe but too bad I was wearing skirt! Staff looked at me as if it's dangerous but was ok : o though I wanted to go on the horse that goes up and down..

Big wheel had a great view! We thought 8euro is bit expensive but was worth it!

Kids loved car driving! I understood why they have bundle sale with cheaper price. Cause kids want to keep riding over and over! Each rides are administrated by separate company so you need to buy ticket by each ride. Though kids get on their favorites over and over so wasnot really a problem.

Great thing about kids is that the language they are using are different but once they are next to each other, somehow they communicate. I want that ability!