

料理番組に・・/At the Cooking Show..

NHK Worldのお料理番組を見てたら、行正り香さんが新たな講師として出て来てびっくり。日本にいる時、友達にこの方のお料理本をプレゼントされてから、お料理自体だけではなく、お料理本のプロデュース方法が気に入って結構行正り香さんの本を買っています。パリにも全部持参☆

単品紹介だけではなく、コースで紹介してくれるので、お友達とお家でご飯、といった時に大活用♪働いてる女性のことも考えて綺麗に見えるけどなるべく手間をかけすぎず大ざっぱに、というところが私に合ってるようです(笑)。おつまみ本なんかは超簡単レシピ(時々簡単過ぎる 笑)で一人家飲みとかで良いです。紹介してくれた友達に感謝(*^^*)

Rika Yukimasa was introduced as new cooking teacher at NHK World's cooking show. Since my friend in Japan gave her cooking book as a present, I really liked the way she produces the book and have been buying quite a few of her books. Brought all of them to Paris : )

She doesn't introduce just one dish but introduces as course too so when you invite friends over, it's quite useful. She tries to make the process as simple as possible which matched me very much. Thank you to my friend who introduced it!!

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