今日の講習は「Formation Civique」というフランスの地理や歴史、社会制度などについて。今日は日本語で受講出来る、というものだったのですが、日本語で講習が進むのではなく、フランス語でやってる講習に同時通訳が付く、というものでした。これが・・・通訳になってない・・・。あまりのひどさにフランス語で進めていた講師の女性が途中で講義を止めて本部に連絡したり通訳会社に苦情を入れるくらい。。ただ通訳が無理だからって集まった10人を超える日本人をどうするの??という疑問ももちろんあり、結局そのまま進むことに。終わりにテストなどがなくて良かった・・(ーー)
I went to 1 day OFII course today. They sent me invitation automatically after I skipped the one I reserved in January. It was from 9am-17pm. Longest time I've been away from my bebe ; 0 Though my parents in law were sending me photos so I was enjoying that during the course ; D
Course today was 'Formation Civique', learning about geography, history and social system of France. I was invited to Japanese day but the way they do it is to have a simultaneous translation while the course is running in French. Though, to be honest, the translator couldn't translate much, rather anything.. The instructor could notice she stopped the course and called the translation company and OFII HQ.. Though they couldn't do anything about it and moreover, what are they going to do with all the Japanese people who came today if they didn't have alternative..? so they continued...
The translator asked the instructor if she can speak slower but she said there is no time and she is already speaking slow. Though we had 30mins break each in the morning and in the afternoon and 1 hour and 40mins lunch time and the course finished at 16pm while it was supposed to finish at 17pm. Funny ; ) I was happy since I could meet my bebe sooner!
Bebe who spent her day at the beautiful garden of my parents in law was sleeping so peacefully when I came back : ) She was still cute after 9hours!
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