近所の日本人友達とランチへ☆高級ベビー服のBon Pointの下にあるというカフェに行くつもりが、いつの間にか違うお店になってました。それが「Nanashi」。どうやらパリに3店舗あり、最近オープンした模様。
Went for lunch with my Japanese friend who lives close by. We were planning to go to a cafe under Bon Point (baby clothes shop) but the cafe changed to a restaurant called 「Nanashi」. Seems like there are 3 restaurants in Paris and this opened recently.
テラス席があって気持ちよかった☆お子様弁当「menu enfant」があったので友達が2歳のお嬢ちゃんに頼んでみたらこれがかわいい!たこさんウィンナーにウサギさんのリンゴ、そう、日本人女性の方がシェフみたいです。
They had terrace seat which was great. My friend's 2 years old daughter ordered 'kid's menu(bento)' which was so cute! Sausage cut as octopus and apple cut as rabbit is so Japanese! Seems like the chef is Japanese women for this restaurant : )
My friend ordered salmon chirashi and I ordered bream chirashi. Bream was cut pretty thick. Sesami sauce was good : )
They had baby changing table in the toilet which was very nice for me = ) Terrace seat was great till the sun was hitting us. Found a good place!
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