日本の物が素晴らしいといつもうるさい私に、今回も旦那さまは「さすがMade in Japanだね〜」と言いながら、夏でもブランケットかけるの?という目で見てました(笑)。汗で冷えないように有効なのよ〜!とはいえかけても2秒でブランケットを蹴り落とすことの多いベベです(^^ゞ。でも今年のパリの夏は寒いので7月も半ばなのに寝袋大活躍!
I got a gift from Japan. A sleeping bag and blanket made by six layers of differently folded gauze. In summer, it sucks the sweat and in winter, it's warm. It's open at the bottom so can be used till 3 years old : D
I always say how good made in Japan is and my hubby was saying again today, 'another great made in Japan' though thinking it's strange to put a blanket in summer. It's good cause it takes sweat! Well, it's true that bebe kicks the blanket off in 2 seconds quite a lot.. Though Paris summer this year is very cold so sleeping bag was still useful even mid July!!
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