

2012年!明けましておめでとう!/Bonne Année!




お節をパリで作る実力はまだなく(あ、日本でもない 笑)、お雑煮だけ作りました〜。でも朝はパンにチーズとお餅、という和洋折衷な食卓(笑)。私のご飯でだいぶ日本の味にも慣れたという旦那さま、でもたぶんいつまでもご飯が大好きな私と同じように、好きなのはパンにチーズなのかと☆


Everybody, Happy New Year!!Hope it will be a great year for everybody : )

We spent the New Year's together with hubby's friend. It was quiet but some of the neighbors had their window opened with loud music and were enjoying dancing.

Here, you spend Christmas with family and you spend New Year's with friends. Holiday is just the 1st of January so people start working from the 2nd. Me and my hubby spent our first precious New Year's holiday together as a married couple with just two of us all day : )) It was quiet and relaxing and we enjoyed a lot.

In Japan, we generally eat 'osechi' for New Year's but since I'm not good enough to make osechi myself, I made just 'ozouni'. Though in the morning, we had both bread and cheese and mochi on the table. haha. Hubby says he got used to Japanese taste a lot with my cooking but like I love rice, I'm sure he will keep loving bread and cheese : )

Wish the best in 2012 for all of my family and friends : ))

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