

Restaurant: 「Cafe St Regis」

今日は旦那さまと外でランチデートが出来ました☆旦那さまが好きな建築家が手がけたレストランらしいのですが、ご飯も美味しかった!「Cafe St Regis」というところです。私はペンネを頼んだのですが、今のところパスタが美味しいレストランはパリでは貴重♪お野菜も美味しく調理されて出て来た!

デザートもまたまた(^^;)cafe gourmandでプリンとマカロンとマフィンで美味しかったです〜♪

I was able to have lunch outside at 「Cafe St Regis」with my hubby today. It was a restaurant designed by the architect that my hubby likes. The food was very good : D I ordered penne, but it's pretty rare (so far) to find a restaurant in France that serves good pasta. Veggies were cooked great too : )

Again, ordered cafe gourmand for dessert. It came with pudding, macaroon and muffin which was good too!

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