しかし、、世のママさん達、本当にたーくさんのオプションから皆よく選べるものだと、調べたり選んだりが苦手な私は本当に感心した日でした(@@)。人に教えてもらわないとなかなか進まない私(; ;)、がんばろう。
Today, I went to hear about giving birth, after birth goods to my hubby's employee's wife's place. She gave birth 3 months ago.
She was saying from before that I should come to see and hear directly. She told me many details. It was really nice for me to have a chance to hear things directly from mom in France.
I only have mom friends in Japan and they tell me many things though there are different situation from Japan so it was very nice to be able to talk to mom in France.
BTW... I was impressed on how much option there are (@@) rather confused.. I can't go forward very much without people's help but hope I can improve ; )
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