

妊婦に安心ランチはどっち?/Which is Safe Lunch for Mum-to-be


Which is safer lunch for mum-to-be? (From my hubby point of view..)

答えはマックです。こちらでは妊婦さんは生ものは食べられないと前に書きましたが、まず生ハムは旦那さまに禁止されています。(大好きなのに 涙)お野菜はよく洗うこと、というのはお医者様の指示。ブーランジェ(パン屋)で売るバゲットサンドに入ってるお野菜は雑に洗われている可能性があるから食べちゃだめ、というのは旦那さまの指示。。



Answer is Mac. I said pregnant women can't eat raw stuff here but prosciuto is prohibited by my hubby. (I love them!) Doctor told me to wash the veggies very carefully. Home doctor (=my hubby) told me to not take veggies at boulanger cause they might not be washed carefully..

Other than that, most cheese in France are made from unpasteurized milk so pregnant women can't eat it. (I thought it's a country of cheese!) Unless I'm with my hubby, I can't confirm (my French ability is not enough yet..) so I avoid cheese..

I love eating but there's so much I haven't been able to enjoy in France yet! I guess I still have lots of thing to look forward too ; )

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