My hubby had to go to a town called 'Deauville' (west of France) for work. He told me that I can see the sea so I decided to go with him. Though town of tourists was empty on week days! Many shops were closed too.
でもしっかり老舗で有名という「Le Central」というレストランでランチしてみました☆海の近くなのでやはりシーフード!お魚が肉厚で美味しい♪
Though didn't forget to eat at a traditional restaurant! We went to 「Le Central」. Seafood was fleshy and good : )
The beach was covered with snow at some places and was super cold! We walked the beach a little bit and left pretty quickly ; ) Summer would be good but hubby told me that this place is super crowded during summer.. Always difficult to go to good places in good season..
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