

りさこ in パリ!/Risako in Paris!


ロンドンには見つかっていないDuranceというフレグランス屋さんに行きたいということで一緒にバスを乗り継いで行ってみました。パリジャンのはずの旦那さまも知らないお店でした(^^ゞ。(もちろん私は知りませんでした 笑)色々な香りがあって楽しそう〜と思ったら背中が・・・痛い。。立ってるのもままならず、お店で座ってた私(;;)。アイスクリーム食べようと思ってたのですが、断念してタクシーで家路につきました。。


My friend who lives in London visited Paris and we went to eat ramen : ) She said she can't find good ramen in London. Though the place we went today was not that good ; ) so hope I can find a place we can go next time she visits!

She wanted to go to Durance, a fragrance place that she can't find in London. So we went there by bus. Somehow Parisian hubby didn't know the shop either! (Don't ask if I knew or not.. Of course not..)  There were many fragrance and I was about to enjoy! then my back started to hurt... I had to sit at the shop... We were planning to eat ice cream but I gave that up and had to go home by taxi ; 0

Sorry Risako ; ( but London and Paris is not far! Hope to see you soon!!

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