

再び「L'EPI DUPIN」へ!/「L'EPI DUPIN」 Again!

義理の両親が出産前にもう一度ご飯行きましょう〜と誘ってくれて、我々お気に入りの「L'EPI DUPIN」へ再び♪今日もメニューは日本語で説明してもらいました(^^)。


We went for dinner with my parents in law today before our bebe comes out : ) We went to 「L'EPI DUPIN」, one of our favorite! They explained the menu in Japanese for me today too = )

 I think we had one additional appetizer as a service. Lucky us! Started with mini soup as usual and appetizer with vegetable. I ordered ravioli with boudin (blood sausage) inside. Sauce was good too : )


I took mackerel and vegetable dish. I order meat most of the time but since for pregnant women, it has to be well done, the dish I took today was good choice! Vegetables were sweet and good : D



I couldn't decide the dessert to one, so decided to share 2 desserts fifty-fifty with my hubby. One was mango and banana with meringue and the other was pear dipped in licorice sauce with vanilla ice cream. Both were really good! Especially the pear one, I almost finished it myself!

I was told that the baby is still in the tummy cause the baby knows I keep eating good food and she enjoys it too ; D I had a great dinner today too. gochisou-sama!

Took herb tea at the end. Sandglass was cute : )

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