そして私は2人部屋だったのですが、出産した翌々日、隣りのお母さんは母子同室で寝られたのですが、帝王切開だった私はまだ別室(涙)。隣りのお母さん、夜中ベベちゃんがずっと泣いてて大変そうでしたが、一緒にいられるのいいなあ、今頃寝てるのかしら・・と考えたりしながら寂しい夜を過ごしました ; 0
Next day after birth, first bath was done by hubby. I wanted to go see too but the nurse told me to stay in bed cause I'm not in good shape after cesarean. So sad ; 0 Though it was true that the day after, I was permitted to go see the bath but I had light anemia and had to sit down... Should be careful..
Also I was in 2 people room and the mother next to me was able to sleep with the baby from the 2nd night. Though they didn't let me until the 3rd night. Although the mother was having difficult time since the baby was crying so much, I missed my daughter ; 0
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