

お医者様へも徒歩で/Go to the Doctor by foot





Hubby is super busy at work now. Thus to be honest, our life setup with the baby is not perfect yet. Since I can't speak French, there is big limitation on what I can do.. ; ( We are still thinking what to do with car seat etc..

Even though, we had to take her to the first check-up. Fortunately, we found a doctor we can walk to (we  go to different place than where she was born) so though she was 11days old, we took her on the baby buggy and walked to the doctor.

After checking weight height, etc.. the doctor told us, 'she's almost back to her weight when she was born so you can take her outside everyday. How about walking Montsouris park?'

I told the doctor that in Japan, people tend to avoid taking them out for 1 month because of immune strength. Doctor was interested in hearing the difference but he said 'in France, it's normal to try to take them outside'. Seems like there are difference in countries..

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