今日は旦那さまのお友達数人とご飯へ。皆「妊婦生活どう?」といつも聞いてくれます。そしてフランスの人と会うと、かなり例に漏れず言われるのが、「You look beautiful!」という嬉しい褒め言葉☆
We went for dinner with my hubby's friends. Everybody ask me 'How's the pregnant life?' and moreover, most of the people tell me 'you look beautiful!'
When I'm on the bus, almost every time, people offer seat for pregnant women. In Japan, I think sometimes people are shy to tell people that they want to offer seat, but here in France, I think pregnant women are cared very carefully.
Hubby says that French people don't care too much about others usually but they care about pregnant women very much. Since I was pretty much pregnant since I came to Paris, my hubby says he is always asked by shops around our house about me ; )
BTW, recent new type bus that I use often are taking a lot of space for buggies. It's quite difficult to get on train with the buggy so people use bus often when they have buggy. First photo is old bus and second one is new type. There's even more space on the left. It didn't fit in my camera..
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