

Restaurant: 「Le Comptoir General」

今日は旦那さまの会社の集まりで夜のバーへ。去年くらいから人気が出始めたらしい「Le Comptoir General」へ。食事するところとバーが分かれてます。なのでバーだけど比較的ちゃんとご飯食べられて良かった☆




We had my hubby's company party tonight at 「Le Comptoir General」. It started to get popular like last year according to my hubby. They separate the place you can eat and the bar so you can eat ok food even it's a bar : )

Because of neighbors and disaster prevention, the amount of people that can go in are limited. On Friday night, probably before 20pm, you need to wait in line already to get in. Courtyard will be closed around 22pm. Though it's good that it doesn't get that crowded for the whole time = ) There is no dance floor but some people dance with the music.

One cheerful staff was always getting seats and table for me realizing that I'm pregnant ; D Like my hubby, he was talking to my tummy 'princess!'

With his help, I was able to be there until like 1am! My hubby seemed very happy with his employee and was pretty drunk in a long time!

Summer time started from March 25th this year
but it's still so bright around 19pm recently!

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